Demolition Derby Coloring Book
Issue #1-3 is a master copy of the previous 3 editions wrapped up into 1 book. This contains (7) copies of the 15 cars from Issues #1-3. These Include a Pre-Run Sedagon, T-Bird, Square Crown Vic, Buick 225, Chevy Wagon, Pre-Run Bubble Vic, Bubble Vic, Bubble Lincoln, 60’s Chrysler, Old Iron Pontiac, In Progress Crown Vic, Boattail Riviera, Square Crown Vic, Caddy, and a Riviera.
Issue #3 contains (6) copies of 5 pictures, these include an In Progress Crown Vic, Boattail Riviera, Square Crown Vic, Caddy, and a Riviera.
Issue #2 contains (6) copies of 5 pictures, these include a Pre-Run Bubble Vic, Bubble Vic, Bubble Lincoln, 60’s Chrysler, and a Old Iron Pontiac.
Issue #1 contains (6) copies of 5 pictures, these includes a Pre-Run Sedagon, T-Bird, Square Crown Vic, and a Fresh Buick 225 and Chevy Wagon.